* 1. |
Nama Nasabah | Client Name (sesuai identitas | as states on ID card) |
Nama Depan | First Name |
Tengah | Middle Name |
Keluarga | Last Name |
2. |
Nama Panggilan | Nickname |
* 3. |
Nama Ibu Kandung | Mother's maiden name |
* 4. |
Kewarganegaraan | Nationality |
5. |
Kewarganegaraan Lain | Other Nationality (jika ada sebelum saat ini | if any before the existing)
* 6. |
Tempat Lahir | Place of Birth |
* 7. |
Tanggal Lahir | Date of Birth |
* 8. |
Jenis Kartu Identitas | Identity Type |
* 9. |
No. Identitas | Identity Number |
* 10. |
Masa Berlaku | Identity Exp. Date |
No. KITAS | KITAS Number |
Masa Berlaku | KITAS Exp. Date |
11. |
NPWP | Tax Registration Code |
* 12. |
Jenis Kelamin | Sex |
* 13. |
Status Pernikahan | Marital Status |
* 14. |
Agama | Religion |
* 15. |
Pendidikan | Education |
* Isi pilihan lain
Alamat | Address (sesuai identitas | as states on ID card)
* 16. |
Negara | Country |
* 17. |
Provinsi | State |
* 18. |
Kota | City |
* 19. |
Jalan | Street |
20. |
Kode Pos | Zip Code |
Alamat Tempat Tinggal | Residence Address
Sama Dengan Alamat Identitas
(Pilihan, jika berbeda dari Alamat Surat | Optional, if different from Contact Address)
21. |
Negara | Country |
22. |
Provinsi | State |
23. |
Kota | City |
24. |
Jalan | Street |
25. |
Kode Pos | Zip Code |
26. |
Status Tempat Tinggal | Ownership Status of Residence |
27. |
Menempati Sejak | Residence since |
28. |
Jumlah Tanggungan | Number of dependents |
orang | person
* 29. |
Telp. Selular | Mobile Phone |
Kode Negara | Country Code - No. | Number
Contoh | Example : 62-8XX12345678
30. |
Telp. Rumah | Home Phone |
Kode Negara | Country Code - Kode Area | Area Code - No. | Number
Contoh | Example : 62-21-123456
31. |
Fax |
Kode Negara | Country Code - Kode Area | Area Code - No. | Number
Contoh | Example : 62-21-123456
* 32. |
Email |
33. |
Email Secondary |
* 34. |
Security Question |
* Isi pilihan lain
* 35. |
Answer Question |
* 36. |
Kode Pajak | Tax ID |